Principal Consultant
Robert A. Sottilare, Ph.D.
Dr. Sottilare holds leadership & technical roles in adaptive instructional science and technology:
CEO & Founder of Adaptive Instructional Consultants LLC
Director of Learning Sciences at Soar Technology, Inc.
Father of the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT)
Founding Chairman of the Board, Adaptive Instructional Systems (AIS) Consortium
Founding Chair, IEEE AIS Working Group (Project 2247; emeritus)
Chair, IEEE AIS Technical Advisory Group (planning group for the AIS Consortium - completed)
Chair, HCII AIS Conference
Member, National Science Foundation Learner Data Institute
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technology
Senior Member of IEEE
Research Interests:
Applications of artificial intelligence to enhance human performance and reduce human workload
Learner & team modeling in support of instructional assessment
Automation of learner & team state classification and prediction
Automation & optimization of adaptive instructional decisions
Design of adaptive instructional system (AIS) software architectures
Publications & Patents:
Over 230 technical publications in the learning sciences field with over 2400 citations (i10-index = 50; h-index = 25)
Patent (#7,525,735) for a high resolution, head mounted projection display using virtual target technologies to support virtual, live (embedded) and augmented reality training
Lead editor, Design Recommendations for Intelligent Tutoring Systems book series
Lead Editor and Author, International Journal of AI in Education (IJAIED): Special Issue on the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT) - Creating a Stable and Flexible Platform for Innovations in AIED Research
Education, Mentoring & Academic Appointments:
Doctor of Philosophy in Modeling & Simulation with a focus in Intelligent Systems at the University of Central Florida
Graduate, Advanced Program Manager's Course at Defense Acquisition University, Fort Belvoir, Virginia
Graduate Faculty Scholar, University of Central Florida, School of Modeling, Simulation & Training
Adjunct Professor, University of Central Florida, Intelligent Tutoring System Theory & Design
Visiting Faculty & Scientist, United States Military Academy
Dissertation Committee Member - University of Central Florida, Columbia University
Post-Doctoral Mentor - Oak Ridge Associated Universities
Curriculum Advisory Boards - University of Central Florida, Florida Polytechnic University
Visiting Lecturer - University of Central Florida, Columbia University, North Carolina State University, Florida Polytechnic University
Awards & Honors:
Best Tutorial (with Jeanine DeFalco) at the Inter-service/Industry Training Simulation & Education Conference (2020)
National Training & Simulation Association (NTSA) Team Award for Education & Human Performance (with Benjamin Goldberg, Keith Brawner & Anne Sinatra) for their research & development contributions to the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT), an open-source software architecture for authoring, managing and evaluating adaptive instruction (2019)
US Army Meritorious Service Award (2018)
NTSA Governor's Award for Lifetime Achievement in Modeling & Simulation (2015)
US Army Research Development & Engineering Command (RDECOM) Modeling & Simulation Lifetime Achievement Award (2012 - inaugural recipient)
US Army Achievement Medal for Civilian Service (2008)
Presenting at the Industry Consortium on Learning Engineering (ICICLE) Conference
Q&A at the 2019 ICICLE Conference at George Mason University
Receiving the RDECOM Modeling Lifetime Achievement Award
At the SFC Paul Ray Smith Simulation & Training Technology Center, Orlando, Florida